Taking local theatre to the next stage...
The Glamorgan Drama League (GDL) exists to champion local theatre in South West Wales from Glamorgan to South Breconshire.
We are here to recognise and develop local talent, to maintain the high standards that exist within the many theatre companies in South and West Wales to provide support to these companies. We wish to inspire our members, in particular the younger generation and the third age, to develop and achieve their full potential.
The Glamorgan Drama League is run by Delegates who meet around 6 times a year. All Member Groups are encouraged to attend.
A major part of our history has always been the One-Act Play Festival which is still going strong. For many years we were also involved with the Maytime Festival of full-length plays which unfortunately finished in 2002 after 25 years
We organise two regular festivals:
The One-Act Play Festival
The Glammies Peripatetic Festival
As well as the various Festivals the GDL organises, also organises occasional courses on lighting, make-up, acting, accents, etc.
Through the One-Act Festival, the GDL also offers the opportunity for a youth member (25years and under) to participate in the Drama Association of Wales (DAW) annual Summer School run by professional tutors.
Member Groups also organise different courses which GDL members are invited to attend at a reduced rate.
We are always keen to undertake other activities, and would welcome ideas from the membership. We currently don't have anything in the pipeline, but would welcome suggestions.
If you have any suggestions for courses or other activities that you think would benefit your group and others in the League, we would be delighted to hear them. Please contact us through the usual routes.